The number of fat cells you have was determined when you were a baby, and that number does not fluctuate during your lifetime. It is the amount of fat that is contained in each fat cell that determines your percentage of body fat or your BMI. As an adult’s BMI increases, this is an indicator of the fat cells increasing their storage capacity and expanding, and what you experience as an increase in body fat.
At New Life Aesthetics our medical professionals provide non-invasive, non-surgical treatment options with permanent body fat reduction results. These latest and safest fat loss treatments will help you achieve your body contouring goals.
Eating right and staying active are the key to successful weight loss and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. Our treatment options help you to trim down those diet-resistant areas, helping you to feel and look slimmer and better in your wardrobe. Make an appointment today with one of our New Life Aesthetic medical professionals for your body contouring consultation and customized treatment plan.